Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tonight my pro-life activist wife and I went to a pro-life banquet and were impressed by the number of babies saved by the web power of Life Commercials.  I realized I need to work at this blog thing to get any traffic and have fun sharing thoughts and opinions.  As I write this, she is searching the blog aggregators that I did not know exist.  Should I join a chiropractic thing, a health thing, an alternative health thing, or something else, to have any fun?  Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Death of the FCER

The demise of the Foundation of Chiropractic Education and Research seems almost impossible to me.  It's depressing.  FCER was the evidence that chiropractor's cared about research and were serious in supporting it. But, since two-thirds of the money FCER needed each year came from individual DCs, apparently doctors are choosing between paying their dues, or paying other bills, like those for food and shelter.  This does not bode well for our profession.

The membership in professional organizations is low, especially chiropractic. Now, we've lost the one group that should have made any DC proud.  I fear we will now have more representation from the "junk" researchers in the profession, who publish in "junk" journals and come to prejudicial conclusions despite of the outcome of any investigation.  

But what is even more depressing, is the suspicion that DCs are not making more money now than they were eight or none years ago.  At that time, $80 to 85K was the average.  What is it now?  There is no current study to tell us, since we probably don't really want to know. 

Sunday, October 4, 2009

You Tube and Blogger Stress

I write an article for the magazine Dynamic Chiropractic, and have been trolling the videos on YouTube and looking through chiropractic blogs.  It is futile to see them all, and probably as futile as trying to see all the pornography sites in the world.  But...WOW!  What entertainment for a chiropractor!.  I plan to pick out a few of my favorites to post here, since my next article in DC will be about this subject.  Maybe my next ten articles could be about them, since there are seminars out there on how to make your blog/video rise to the top of the search engine.  This world is fodder for a lot of fun.  

The challenge with this pursuit is to quit and go to bed.  Reading and viewing stirs up emotions because of the craziness, the blustering, the Tarzan-like chest thumping, as well as the well thought-out material promoting our profession.

Next blog needs to be about the healthcare circus in the USA.

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